Jag vill också tacka alla för dom fantastiska resentioner albumet fick utav alla världen över, sämsta betyget var 8 av 10, här följer ett axplock av dessa resentioner
Band: Timecode Alpha Titel: Freakshow År: 2009 Bolag: Spinfox Betyg: 9/10 Recensent: Janne Stark |
Under väntan på att ACT ska få tummarna ur och släppa en uppföljare till den lämpligt betitlade "Silence", välkomna TIMECODE ALPHA. Ok, i ärlighetens namn ska TIMECODE ALPHA inte ses som något substitut för ACT, vi snackar ett högst intressant band med sitt eget sound men i samma genre. Denna nya konstellation innehåller de otvivelaktiga talangerna hos före detta BISCAYA-sångaren Mads Clausen, gitarristen Peter Lazar och basisten Ken Sandin.
Vi snackar drama här! Denna platta är som en film, där varje låt går igenom faser, bygger upp spänningar och släpper ut dem. Jag är riktigt imponerad av de intrikata arrangemangen och det sätt på vilka låtarna går igenom så många olika stämningar och känslostämningar. Ibland hör jag lite gamla YES, dock uppdaterat. I den mörka och tunga "Face The Ground" bygger de upp samma typ av melankoliska stämning som grannarna i EVERGREY, med Mads till och med påminnande om Tom Englund. Ibland vistas de i samma terräng som prog-mästarna PAIN OF SALVATION, som i den nästan dissonanta "You Have To Understand" och den suveräna "Illusion", som även har sina SAGA-aktiga moment. Just när man nästan håller på att drunka i mörker och tunga känslor, kommer den upplyftande (musikaliskt i alla fall) "Do We Care At All" som ett ljus i mörkret. Trots sina ganska hårdtuggade musikaliska komplexiteter har plattan faktiskt något av en hit i sjung-med-i-refrängen-låten "Driving My Car". Produktionen signerad bandet och Andy LaRoque är oklanderlig med ett rent, ambient men ändå fett sound, plus alla små trevliga effekter som dyker upp när man minst anar det. Detta är inget annat än ett progressivt mästerverk från ett band jag redan längtar efter att höra mer av. Förutom tidigare nämnda musiker finns här gästspel från folk som trummisen Svetlan Råket, sologitarristerna Andy LaRoque, Johan Randén, Mattias Moberg, Patrik Hansson samt vokalisterna Angelica Olausson och Fredrika Clausen.
Time Code Alpha is a new and interesting Swedish band featuring the talents of former Biscaya-vocalist Mads Clausen, guitar picker Peter Lazar and bass player Ken Sandin. Freakshow is an album containing thirteen theatrical, progressive and symphonic rock songs, reminding me sometimes of bands like Yes, A.C.T, Evergrey and Pain Of Salvation (POS). Face The Ground for example, is a very dark and heavy song with lots of musical elements that you can also hear on albums of Evergrey and POS. Most of the songs are rather melancholic and dark, but with Do We Care At All, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. However, most of the rather complex songs need a lot of time to ‘digest’, but if you take the time needed then you’ll probably start to appreciate this album. The production is very good and heavy and Driving My Car is even a song you can sing-along.
Check this album out and you will not be disappointed. By the way, forget the horrible album cover…
**** Martien Koolen (edited by Peter Willemsen)
While waiting for ACT to get their thumbs out and release a follow up to the appropriately entitled "Silence", please welcome Time Code Alpha. Ok, in all honesty, Time Code Alpha shall be seen as no substitute for ACT, we are talking a new highly interesting band with its own sound but in the same genre here.
Time Code Alpha features the undisputed talents of former Biscaya singer Mads Clausen, guitarist Peter Lazar and bass player Ken Sandin who has been seen in bands like Alien, DaVinci, Transport League etc. One of the reasons I compare the band to ACT is because they share the same type of theatrical side to their progressive/symphonic music. We're talking musical drama here, people. This album is like a movie, with each song going through phases, building up tensions and releasing them.
I'm quite impressed with the intriguing arrangements and the way the each song is going through so many different moods and motions. I do hear some vintage Yes in places, but it's all very much updated. In the dark and heavy "Face The Ground" they build up the same type of melancholia as Evergrey, with Mads even sounding a bit reminiscent of Tom Englund. At times they move in the same terrain as dark prog-masters Pain Of Salvation, like in the, at times, almost dissonant "You Have To Understand" and the totally outstanding and powerful "Illusion", which also features some small almost Saga-esque titbits.
Just when you're almost drowning in darkness and heavy emotions, in comes the uplifting (at least musically) "Do We Care At All" like a light in the dark. Despite all its chewy musical complexities, the album does have something of a hit in the hum-along-chorus-rocker "Driving My Car". The production by the band and mix by Andy Laroque are impeccable with a clear, ambient and yet very heavy sound, plus all nice and well incorporated effects that fly by when you least expect it. This is nothing short of a progressive masterpiece by a band I'm already looking forward to hearing more of.
Besides the above musicians the album features a number of guests such as drummer Svetlan Råket (Zello), lead guitarists Andy LaRoque, Johan Randén, Mattias Moberg, Patrik Hansson, singers Angelica Olausson and Fredrika Clausen.
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